Purpose of a Review and Development Plan

The purpose of a curriculum review and development plan is to have a clear and continuous process in place in which the district is able to evaluate learning expectations in a systematic and data driven manner. By examining learning within the curriculum against student performance, we can better understand areas of needed future growth. A plan allows the district to align curriculum with state and national standards and adapt and change accordingly. We can also plan budget requests to support resource allocation for teacher training and resource acquisition.

Alignment of the Written, Taught, and Tested Curriculum

Curriculum needs to be designed with the intended learning outcomes of Easton, Redding, and Region 9 Public Schools’ students in mind. The ultimate goal is to align the written, taught, and tested curriculum. When all three work in harmony with one another and are supported with professional learning support for teachers, student learning will thrive.

Written Curriculum Curriculum Alignment Model Design Delivery

The written curriculum gives teachers a roadmap of the expectations of each unit. Teachers understand the end goal of the written curriculum through standards, essential questions, enduring understandings, and learning objectives detailed in the documents. These features identify what students should learn and be able to do from each unit.